Moisture Problem in the Basement: A Silent Killer of your Home

The best way to approach any construction related problem is to find a long-lasting solution to it. Similarly, with moisture problem in any part of the house, especially the basement, the best approach is to remove or control the source of moisture.

A homeowner does not use the basement as much as any other part of the home. Usually, there are recurring problems of damage in the basement due to moisture. Excessive moisture can destroy the walls. It can cause the growth of microbes such as molds and mildew and lead to health problems. In short, it will kill the look of the basement and destroy the foundation of your home as well.

Moisture problem in the basement can be solved through a planned way. The first step is to understand the cause of moisture. You need to analyze where the water is coming from, and what mechanisms permit it to enter the basement. Once you know the cause, only then you will be able to solve the problem efficiently.

Causes of Moisture in the Basement and their Solutions

1. Improper Grading

During grading of the construction site, if the slope is inclined towards the walls of your home, then water will definitely get directed towards the basement. As a result, the soil used during the construction process will get loose and settle around your home.

Solution: Fill the slope with a lot of dry sand so that it directs water away from the foundation walls. Once the soil takes the place of water, the basement can remain protected from moisture.

2. Structural Defects

Cracks in the concrete blocks can lead to accumulation of moisture. Also, if floor joints are not properly connected to the foundation wall, it can lead to movement of the wall and allow water to enter the basement.

Solution: You must take utmost care while building the foundation and footings. Also ensure proper connection between the foundation wall and structure above it. If the foundation of your home is damaged, you must contact a foundation repair contractor and obtain his expert help.

3. Defective Drainage

Missing or defective gutters and downspouts from the roof redirect water directly to the foundation walls. Also, if a downspout has no extender, then a huge amount of rainwater will be deposited at a single location near the base of the foundation.

Solution: Downspouts should be fitted correctly at required places where roof water gets collected. Take care of leakage from downspouts using correct waterproof sealers. Extensions, if any, should discharge water at least a few feet away from the walls of your home. If possible, build concrete slopes around the foundation walls to avoid water collection.

4. Poor Construction of Window Wells

An improperly constructed window well can be the source of moisture problem in the basement. It will direct water towards the foundation, rather than away from it. It might also lead to a situation of severe flooding.

Solution: If you want to build a window well, make sure that it is covered properly so that it doesn’t allow water to come inside the basement. You must check the cracks in the window well and seal them regularly.

Waterproofing Solution to end the Moisture Problem in the Basement

It is a good decision to manage a moisture problem with waterproofing solutions. You can select interior waterproofing solutions or choose exterior waterproofing solutions to keep moisture away from the basement. If the moisture problem is not severe, you can opt for interior waterproofing solutions as they are less expensive.

If you do not address the moisture problem in the basement, it can prove to be a silent killer for your home. So, follow a systematic approach of identifying the causes and find relevant solutions to them. It will lead you to a moisture-free home.

A waterproofing contractor can ensure long-last solution to the moisture problem in the basement. If you want to get rid of damp floor and leaky walls, get in touch with Pour Concrete. The general contractor will provide effective waterproofing solutions as well as take care of foundation repair in Toronto.

What Is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma is characterized by a soft, semisolid, or calcareous patch on the skin. This patch is symmetrical and flat-surfaced with a size ranging from 2-30mm and is also classified as a cutaneous necro-biotic disorder and a form of xanthoma. Their appearance can nonetheless be damaging to one’s self-esteem, especially in more advanced cases, prompting the need to seek xanthelasma removal at a specialist clinic.

Causes of Xanthelasma

There are various causes of xanthelasma although, they are all influenced by the presence of lipids. These causes are:

Hereditary: This occurs in the form of hereditary disorders. Most victims of this skin disease have a family history of lipoprotein metabolism disorder. This is when the body cannot break down or produce excess lipids from lipoproteins, causing excess lipids.
Cholesterol: This is another cause of the disease. When excess cholesterol is present in the white blood cells, it weakens the white blood cell preventing them from resisting excess lipids on the body.
Temperature and Friction: High hot temperature causes an increase in the lipoprotein density level in the body; how? The high temperature causes the lipoprotein molecules to be agitated, giving them more mobility and resulting in leakage from the capillaries in the body. Hence, excess lipids are released into the body, and they begin to cluster.
Consequences Of Xanthelasma And Xanthoma

This skin infection does not have any lethal consequence except cosmetic problems. This skin infection disfigures a person’s appearance causing people to distant their selves from an infected person. No, this infection is contagious in any sort and does not bring any form of pain or injury to the sufferer.

Different Kinds of Xanthoma

This disease exists in different forms. It is essential you know how to identify this skin disease to enable early treatment on discovery before it spreads to the poi t of disfiguring a person’s appearance. The various kinds are:

Xanthelasma Palpebrum: This is also called xanthelasma. This is characterized by yellow, delicate papules or plaques that form symmetrically on higher or lower eyelids. This skin disease is sometimes associated with hyperlipidemia.
Tuberous Xanthomas: This is very different from xanthelasma. It is a firm, red-yellow nodule that develops around pressure areas of the body, like the knee and elbow. They are usually associated with increased cholesterol levels and increased lipoprotein Density Levels in the body.
Tendinous Xanthomas: This is a yellow subcutaneous nodule found on tendons or ligaments. It is associated with increased Lipoprotein density and severe hypercholesterolemia levels in the body.
Eruptive Xanthomas: Often found on the buttocks, knees, hands, and rarely on the face. It is red-yellowish and erupts in mass on a particular area. It is associated with increased triglycerides and is common in diabetic patients.
Other forms of Xanthomas are plane Xanthomas, Xanthomas disseminatum, and diffuse plane Xanthomas.
Testing for Xanthelasma

Xanthelasma can be discovered early by carrying out a fasting lipid level test. This test determines the cause of the disease allowing the dermatologist to proffer a solution to curb the spread.


In general, xanthelasma is a skin disease caused by excessive lipid components in the bloodstream and can exist in various forms. But, all these forms, if tested, can be identified and a solution to prevent cosmetic problems proffered.

3 Interesting Facts About Eyelash Extensions

From the beginning of mankind, women love attention from others. For this purpose, they love to organize their appearance as best as possible. You would be surprised to know that beautiful eyes attract most men. Due to this reason, there are different types of eye makeup are available in the market.

Currently, eyelash extensions have become a popular fashion trend in society. However, many women don’t know that what eyelash extension is. Here are a few facts that will give you a good understanding of eyelash extensions. So, you can decide whether the artificial eye lash is for you or not.

1) No Pain Procedure

Contrary to popular myth, the procedure of eyelash extensions does not cause any pain. An expert beautician carefully attaches every single eyelash strand to the skin with glue. This glue is strong, but it is also non-allergic to the skin. As a result, you won’t experience any discomfort after eyelash extensions.

Eyelash extensions are like any other makeup and you won’t experience any pain with it. The eyelash extensions procedure takes nearly 90 minutes. It makes your eyes very beautiful with thick eyelashes. These days, most models & celebrities do eyelash extensions to improve their look.

2) Taking Care Of Eyelash Extensions

Although it is true indeed that water is the number one enemy of eyelash extensions, it doesn’t mean that you cannot swim or take bath with eyelash extensions. The first thing you need to do after doing eyelash extensions is to wait for a few hours and let the glue bond strongly with the skin.

The glue generally takes around 8 to 12 hours to make the bond strong between skin & artificial eyelashes. Hence, you need to keep moisture away till artificial eyelashes stick to your skin well. You would be happy to know that lash extensions Remuera last for nearly 50 to 60 days time.

3) Different Varieties Of Eyelash Extensions

Everyone’s face is not the same. Similarly, everyone’s taste in fashion is also different. You would be happy to know that there are different types of eyelash extensions are available for different people. Hence, you can pick the right type of eyelash extensions, which will improve your look.

If you want an exotic look on your eyes, then it is better to pick long eyelashes. On the other hand, you can pick short eyelashes to enhance your natural beauty. There are a variety of eyelashes are available that can increase your attractiveness.

Most people think that eyelash extension is an expensive proposition and stay away from it. However, eyelash extensions Remuera do this job inexpensively. Although they take small fees than other paces, you will get the best eyelash extensions here. Their eyelash extensions will also last a long time if you follow their recommendations.

Modern eyelashes look very natural and these eyelashes remain attached to the skin for a long time. Currently, beauticians are choosing the best glue for this task. These glues are made with lots of development & research. Hence, you won’t get any bad reaction from eyelash extensions.

Find more information related to eyelash extensions Remuera and lash extensions Remuera here.